I stopped to take a picture of this church in Bennington.
The Old Walloomsac Inn, Old Bennington VT. I should have taken more photos of it. It was a pretty neat old building.
The RT parked in front. Yes all my camping gear is packed in that top case.
Then I went up the road just a bit to stop at Hemmings Motor News to take some picures and fill up the RT.
The famous Hemmings Delivery Sedan.
I love the bathroom signs.
Now this is the way to wish someone a nice day.
Inside the store.
A nice old Indian inside.
They even have a BMW Isetta there.
You can purchase vintage plates from many states.
They also have replica vintage signs.
I talked to a few of the folks at Hemmings and they were all curious about where I was going and all thought me crazy for wanting to camp at Somerset so late in the year. They all gave me directions even though I had my GPS guiding the way. It was just a short 30-40 minutes ride to Somerset Rd which would take me to my destination.
I turned up the road and then onto Nation Forest Rd 71.
I haven't even had the RT three weeks yet and its already been off road 3 times. I wonder if I should have gotten the GS?
I was unsure of where exactly we were camping. I knew after the third bridge to take a left. I was also told there might be someone there in a pickup truck. So, after the third bridge, I took a left. A little bit up the road I did in fact see a man and a pickup. I tried hollering to him to see if this was the place, of course I had my helmet on and motor running. I am sure it sounded like a bunch of mumbling. Finally, I removed my helmet and this was in fact the place. Mike (Big Dog) was there and was nice enough to bring a giant pile of fire wood and already had the fire going. Just a couple minutes later Marilyn showed as well.
I went off to set up my tent.
A little while later Spark Plug Joanie and Dirty Dave pulled up in their motor home with motorcycles in tow. They are planning a driving across the country next year so they are testing out their setup. Joan and Dave were also the main hosts and brought tons of food and other small items that would be tedious to bring on a motorcycle.
A little later Tuber showed up and so did Lauren on her ST1300. Tuber gave Lauren a hand setting up her tent.
The Dead Horse logo on the front of Lauren's bike. I need one of those.
Then more of the crew filed in. As the sun was setting we had some delicious collard greens with turnips.
There was also sweet potato and jalapeƱo soup which was excellent!
Tuber cooked up some great sausage and peppers.
The hostess with the mostess Joanie.
As the sun set everyone sat round the fire sharing stories and telling lies.
Big Dog jokingly said I talk too much.
I pretty much polished off a bottle of wine myself that night along with a bit of Kahlua and around 10 I went to sleep.
Saturday, Day 2.
I woke up about 7 and it seemed to have gotten warmer throughout the night although now it was really overcast. The fire was already going in the am and coffee was on. I however am a coffee snob so I brewed up my own coffee in my Jetboil. There was some danishes around, doughnut holes, bagels and other snack foods.
We were just hanging out and I was getting cold. So Dan and I decided to go out for a ride.
We rode up VT RT 100 (always one of my favorites) north toward Jamaica VT, then to Londonberry. Then we hopped on RT 11 to RT 30 and into Manchester were some of the other guys were meeting up for brunch I guess it would be since it was almost noon. We met up at the Up For Breakfast diner in downtown Manchester. I had the Wild Turkey omelet. It was an omelet with wild turkey hash, 3 eggs, mushrooms, cheese, and onions and a side of rye toast. It was most excellent. Dan had the Eggs Benedict and was pleased with his selection as well. It was a little pricey for breakfast food but it was very high quality food and I would highly recommend it. Its worth the drive.
After breakfast we walked down to EMS. Dan forgot his hat and wanted to pick one up and I didn't bring gloves for hanging around camp. I was also a little cold sleeping the night before so I decided to pick up a sleeping bag liner. Dan decided to forgo a hat since his house was on our route back and we just stopped by there. I, however, picked up a pair of fleece gloves and a sleeping bag liner. I can't remember what brand but it folded up small, and seemed like it wouldn't do much but it claimed to add 15 degrees to a bags rating. I am not sure if it added that much, but I was noticeably warmer with it. I am going to contact Big Agnes about my bag because it seems like all the loft has settled in the sides and that is contributing to my feeling cold. Its really only on my legs.
We left Manchester and took various back roads toward Dan's house in Bennington. Dan led and I didn't know they way. It was a nice route though with good riding. Dan rode a nice relaxing pace all day and that was okay with me. We stopped quickly at his place so he could get his gloves and hat, then it was back to camp.
I decided to continue on straight at the turn off for the camp because I wanted to check out the reservoir. Its not the greatest picture but it wasn't that nice of a day.
Here is a picture of the big earthen dam.
My RT waits while I take photos.
The dirt road I took to get to the reservoir. It doesn't look it, but that hill is steep and very rutted.
One the way back from camp I stopped at the spill way.
I went back to camp and everyone else was back from their rides. Sioux and Voyle that I met at last years Buzzard Crest Bash showed up too.
We hung around and had some snacks, got warm by the fire. Then is was time for dinner.
"Why don't you have the steak!"
Andrew on the right in the Polaris jacket was the procurer and preparer of the lobster.
The big ol' lobster pot.
Almost suppertime!
Time for my dinner.
The lobster was good and it was fun to have while camping. It hardly even seemed like camping except for the cold. I think I still prefer a good steak. There was also beef stew to be had for the non-seafood folk.
I had a little of this to wash down my lobster.
Here's Zilla going to work on his lobster.
Joanie at work on her lobster.
Bellies full we just hung around the fire some more.
The sun was setting on another good day of camping.
Then it was time for more caveman TV.
Left to right: Joanie, Big Dog, Voyle sitting behind Big Dog, and Tuber. Kate and Andrew are in the background.
Dan's wife came to meet the Dead Horse gang for the first time. Left to right thats Joanie, Andrew pulling out a chair for Betsey, Dan's wife Betsey, Dan, Voyle, and Tuber.
It was time for Lauren to play with the fire.
Brian was relaxing too.
Left to right, Sioux, Lauren, Dave, and Craig (sitting).
Zilla (Craig) made this really cool trailer to pull behind his Goldwing.
We all hung around the fire and talked. I didn't stay up too late and I went to bed around 9 or 9:30.
Sunday Day 3
It was really cold Saturday night. I forced myself to stay in my sleeping bag until around 7. Then I woke up to frost in the tent, frost on my sleeping bag, frost on my bike.
Luckily for me the fire was already going so I just had to run over there and get warm.
I had some coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. Joanie also made egg and cheese sandwiches for everyone. Then everyone started packing up.
Lauren was out of there first since she had somewhere to be.
Sioux and Voyle started packing up.
Spark Plug Joanie and Dirty Dave started packing the camper.
I started packing up too and I was even able to fit everything back into the bike. It was about 10 am so I said goodbye to everyone and hit the road. It was probably my last camping trip of the year. It was a great time and I will go again I am sure.
I didn't put too many miles on the RT this weekend.
I do have over 700 on it already though in less than 3 weeks and its already time for it's initial service. I will keep riding on day trips as long as I can.
You can see all of the photos here.
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